Friday, April 17, 2009

Microsoft may Clone iPod touch as Zune HD

Skyters- K.L - Based entirely upon a leak of abstract new marketing graphics from Microsoft, 
bloggers have announced a new generation of music players that will apparently do most of 
what the iPod touch did when it arrived in 2007.

Microsoft's version of the iPod touch has also long been expected to eventually deliver a full-fledged Wifi music store, similiar to the one Apple realesed in 2007; in 2008, the company updated the Zune with a limited ability to find tracks on the Zune Marketplace. if the Zune HD arrives on the one-year annivesary of last year's Zune update, by September, it will deliver a version of most of Apple's features within that two year copy window, with the notable exception of being able to run the same mobile software. However, Microsoft already has its own software platform in Windows Mobile. The problem is that all of these programs are oriented around stylus tapping or button pushing, not finger-driven touch. As RIM discovered with the BlackBerry Storm, releasing a touch version of an existing brand is not easy nor without own risks, as key interface choices at least temporarily dimnished the Storm's appeal.

Apple's iPod touch shares a platform with the iPhone, with a user base of 30 million devices sold within the last two years. Selling enough Zune HD and Windows Mobile 6.1 phones to give developers a reason to rewrite mobile apps around a touch interface could be a difficult undertaking, particularly given the already lucrative option of developing for the existing iTunes App Store market, paired with its existing library of apps for consumers. 

-skyters-000-its such a great competeting by this two great company in industry IT, they had a long journey to became on speciality sector like this..